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Do Birds Eat Maggots? [Are Maggots Bad For Birds?]

do birds eat maggots

Do Birds Eat Maggots? [Are Maggots Bad For Birds?]

Did you ever wonder if birds should eat maggots? Well, the answer is no. Maggots are a type of fly larva that feed on dead or decaying organic matter and can be found in meat, cheese, fish, fruit, and vegetables. Birds shouldn’t eat maggots, as they do not have the ability to digest these larvae because they don’t possess an acidic stomach as humans do.

So, while birds may enjoy watching their friends feast on a fresh maggot-covered piece of food as much as we would, it’s best to keep your pet bird away from any potential dangers lurking in our kitchen!

This blog post will explore why it is not safe for birds to eat maggots. And what to do in case your pet bird ate maggots.

Why shouldn’t birds eat maggots?

Birds are often attracted to the smell of a rotting carcass. This is because they can find their favorite food, maggots, by following that scent. Birds love maggots and will eat them up without any hesitation.

But before you encourage your bird friends to go for it, you should know why birds shouldn’t eat maggots.

Birds are often observed eating small insects. While some birds may eat maggots on a regular basis, this can be very detrimental to the bird’s health.

Maggots contain high amounts of protein and fat. This is exactly what a growing baby needs to thrive after hatching from its egg.

However, these nutrients are not easily digested by adult birds. And it can lead to fatty liver disease and other issues in adults and babies who hatch too early or have undeveloped digestive systems.

Also, the risks associated with consuming maggots include bacterial infections such as salmonella, parasitic infections like tapeworms, and nutritional deficiencies.

The best way for birds to get their nutritional requirements met without risking injury is through an appropriate diet. We recommend fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and healthy grains such as quinoa.

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What can happen if a bird ate maggots?

Birds are often quite susceptible to maggots, which can be found in their nests or on the ground below. It’s not uncommon for a bird to pick up a few of these infectious insects while feeding and this is when they become dangerous.

Maggots typically make their way into the birds’ digestive system, where they feed off it for days. Before destroying everything inside and releasing more larvae on the outside.

The most common symptom that indicates an infection from maggots is diarrhea, but there are many other symptoms that may also indicate an infestation. Some of them include weight loss, breathing difficulties, lethargy, and lack of appetite.

Most birds love to eat insects, and maggots are their favorite. The problem with this is that the worms in their guts like to reproduce at an alarming rate. Leading to a worm infestation. Maggot infestations can even lead to fatal scenarios if maggots eat away a bird’s skin, feathers, or organs.

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What to do if your pet bird ate maggots?

If your bird ate maggots, the first thing you should do is clean its beak and mouth as soon as possible. There is nothing worse than the sight of your beloved pet bird choking on maggots. It can be a traumatic experience, to say the least.

The next thing you should do if you suspect that your bird has swallowed maggots is to consult an avian veterinarian. If it turns out that they have eaten more than five or six maggots, there may be a blockage in their digestive tract, and surgery could be required.

Best food for birds


Most fruits are safe and healthy for birds. However, if you feed birds with fruits with seeds or pits, such as apples, peaches, and cherries – you should offer to feed birds with previously removed pits or seeds.  Also, make sure to discard fruit that starts to be moldy. Since molds can generate toxins that are bad for birds.


Quinoa is a seed of an edible plant. Birds absolutely relish quinoa. Rich in minerals, fibers, and protein, this grain is perfect for any type of bird.


Porridge oats are healthy nutrition and can be great as occasional feed to birds. Oats are rarely found in birdseed mixes, but oats can be a tasty treat for various birds.


Peanuts are one of the favorite foods for many birds. You can offer peanuts in the shell. Also, it is ok to give birds roasted or raw peanuts, but salted or flavored peanuts should be avoided.

Black-oil Sunflower Seeds

Black-oil Sunflower Seeds are the number one seed food source for the majority of wild birds. These small seeds are very nutritious and rich in energy. The thin outer shells are easily consumed, even by small birds.

Cracked Corn

Cracked corn is an inexpensive treat, and it is a very nutritious food. Rich in fiber and protein, cracked corn is a perfect supplemental food for backyard birds.

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Birds should not eat maggots. Maggots are the larval form of flies, and they feed on decaying matter. Many people have the misconception that maggots are a good food source for birds. However, this could not be more false! Maggots are actually very toxic to birds because they can contain disease-causing bacteria.

Since maggots are often used in the medical field as a debridement agent, it may seem odd that we would discourage people from feeding them to birds. Yet, maggots are not good food source food for birds, and they shouldn’t eat them.

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