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Small & Long Skinny Animals (16 Examples With Pictures)

two skinny animals standing on hind legs

Small & Long Skinny Animals (16 Examples With Pictures)

The animal kingdom is vast, and there are many animals that we might find rather extraordinary. Some of them are wild; some are cute, some are very docile, while some may be aggressive, so we should admire them from a distance.

However, in this article, we present to you a list of 16 skinny animals. These are some of the most fascinating, how they look, how they thrive, and how they look at the world. We are keeping human beings aside, as we know we are special animals, but not quite special to be on this list.

The following list compiles different types of skinny animals:

  • Stick Bug
  • Pike
  • Polecat
  • Meerkat
  • Mantis
  • Thorius Arboreus
  • Stoat
  • Ferret
  • Dwarf Gecko
  • Great Egret
  • Thread Snake
  • Eel
  • Slender Salamander
  • Weasel
  • Needlefish
  • Chihuahua

List of Skinny Animals

Stick Bug

brown stick bug

Scientific Name – Phasmatodea
Diet – Herbivore
Type of Animal – Insect

These long and skinny creatures are strange-looking ones for sure. They belong to the class of insects, and they are arthropods. You can find them everywhere around the world except Antarctica, although they like temperate and tropical regions to thrive.

These insects are masters when it comes to hiding in plain sight, as they look like small branches. You can handle them as they are not poisonous and will live up to a year.


green pike underwater

Scientific Name – Esox Lucius
Diet – Carnivore
Type of Animal – Fish

This skinny fish has a torpedo-like body with a pointy head and razor-sharp teeth. If some of you are afraid of fish, then this might be it. The pike fish, Esox, is commonly found in the fresh waters of Northern America, Western Europe, Siberia, and Asia.

They have a grey-green coloring which provides excellent camouflage in shallow waters; the patterns on each fish are as unique as fingerprints.

This species grows to quite a length – the biggest one caught was 6ft long and weighed 35 kg. These long skinny predators have a reputation for hunting smaller fish and sometimes even their own species.

Many people have also complained of pike attacks. Thanks to their long and slim bodies they deserved their place on our list.

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small black and white polecat

Scientific Name – Mustela Putorius
Diet – Carnivore
Type of Animal – Mammal

A polecat has the typical appearance which animal enthusiasts find cute; dark brown color, pale underbelly, and a darker mask around the face. They’re closely related to domesticated ferrets, mostly belonging to Europe.

Although you would think of adopting them because of their fluffy appearance, most polecats are solitary, and they hunt at night, making them carnivorous.

They are both small and skinny animals; adults weigh up to 1 – 1.5kgs. However, you may not be able to get close to them, as they release a pungent smell to repel other animals and predators.


skinny meerkat standing on hind legs

Scientific Name – Suricata Suricatta
Diet – Carnivore
Type of Animal – Mammal

Most of us have spotted them in TV programs, where they’re seen living in the deserts with their colony. A meerkat is a type of mongoose typically found in southern Africa.

Their long tiny body, pointy snout, and tapered tail give them a skinny appearance, especially when they stand on their hind legs to look for food or predators.

These thin animals are almost a foot long and weigh around a kilo. Their furry look and curious nature can be tempting for some to keep them as pets.

However, they are wild, social animals, so they’re not good pets. Their entire colony lives in underground burrows and feeds on mostly insects and small reptiles.

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green mantis insect

Scientific Name – Mantodea
Diet – Insect
Type of Animal – Carnivore

The mantis is a large skinny insect containing over 2400 species. However, we know them most commonly in a lighter green color. These creatures have a long, stick-like body, a triangular head, two large eyes, and a very flexible neck – rotating more than 180 degrees. Mantises are found in all continents except Antarctica, mostly in the temperate and tropical regions.

Adults grow up to 6 inches. However, the average mantis length is about 3 inches. Their front legs are always bent in a praying position, which is why they’re known as praying mantises. Regardless, they use those front legs to catch prey, as these are efficient predators.

These thin-looking animals are lightning-fast, and they start munching on their prey alive. That may sound pretty nasty, but surprisingly they can make good pets if anyone has a liking for them! They don’t require that much attention.

Will they bite or attack humans? It is unlikely to happen, but not impossible. However, you don’t need to worry as they don’t possess venom or any kind of disease.

Thorius Arboreus

Scientific Name – Thorius Arboreus
Diet – Carnivore
Type of Animal – Reptile

Don’t go by the name, as it is a tiny salamander. The arboreal minute salamander measures up to 0.72 inches for males and 0.79 inches for females, making it almost impossible to spot if not looked closely.

Their long skinny bodies have wider head, and the snout is pointed. Endemic to Sierra de Juarez, Mexico, these amphibians are critically endangered due to agriculture and logging in that region.

The diet of these tiny creatures is based on earthworms and invertebrates. However, given the opportunity, they’ll also feed on fish, snails, and even other salamanders.


skinny white stoat in a brown field

Scientific Name – Mustela Erminea
Diet – Carnivore
Type of Animal – Mammal

These are small, long, and skinny animals found in various habitats of the Northern Hemisphere. Stoats are related to weasels and have many physical features in common with their relatives.

Stoats usually easy no more than 1.8 oz (50 grams) of food per day, which is about 1/4 of their total weight.

These tiny mammals have small fat reserves, so they rely on being able to eat every couple of hours. And despite hunting for a good part of the day, these skinny creatures hardly gain weight.


small skinny ferret in a snowy field

Scientific Name – Mustela Putorius Furo
Diet – Carnivore
Type of Animal – Mammal

Another skinny animal that many people would want to pet, and surprisingly, some even do. Ferrets are nothing but domesticated species, the same as their European counterpart, the polecat.

Ferrets are nimble creatures, and their population is spread around temperate regions of America, North Africa, and Europe. Adults grow up to 18 inches and weigh up to 2.5 kg.

In the wild, these carnivorous animals live in burrows, mostly in temperate regions. The idea of keeping one of these as a pet may sound tempting, but ferrets do not pet easily.

Besides, if you have young children at home, it is better not to keep them as they often bite. They can become friends with cats and dogs, but they can make a meal of other small pets such as frogs or rodents.

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Dwarf Gecko

baby dwarf gecko on a green leaf

Scientific Name – Sphaerodactylus Ariasae
Diet – Carnivore
Type of Animal – Reptile

A gecko is a sleek, small, and skinny reptile that can be a great pet. Dwarf geckos are prey-driven, so they are good for observing all day long.

As their name suggests, these geckos are tiny and only grow about 2.5 inches at most, weighing only a few grams.

This species is endemic to central and southern Africa. As they commonly show up near people’s homes, few of them end up as pets. These little creatures live quite long – you can expect 5 to up to 10 years.

Dwarf geckos feed on small insects, worms, and larvae. Many other sub-species of dwarf geckos are spread around Africa; some of them are even endangered.

Great Egret

skinny tall egret flying

Scientific Name – Ardea Alba
Diet – Carnivore
Type of Animal – Bird

With skinny legs and necks, white plumage, and dagger-like bills, great egrets are easily recognized birds. These funny-looking tall and skinny birds are found in various worldwide habitats; however, they are fons of tropical environments.

Great egrets are large wading birds, standing up to 3.3 feet (1 m), which a wingspan of up to 67 in (170 cm).

As they are mostly found near the water, their diet is based on different aquatic creatures. They are opportunistic carnivores, consuming primarily fish, frogs, snakes, and small mammals.


Scientific Name – Leptotyphlops Carlae
Diet – Carnivore
Type of Animal – Reptile

Some of us might get freaked out, but this snake is as small as a penny in reality. Moreover, this species is the smallest known snake species, reaching only up to 4 inches, and weighing less than a gram – think about that!

Additionally, they are blind and not venomous, so some of us may even feel pity for them! This reptile is endemic to Barbados and feeds on insect larvae.

Barbados Thread Snakes are one of the smallest and skinniest reptiles in the world.


yellow eel with purple head

Scientific Name – Anguilliformes
Diet – Carnivore
Type of Animal – Fish

Eels, the name itself, are enough to inflict terror on some people, but in reality, you don’t need to think of electricity when you hear about eels. These snake-like creatures may look ferocious, but actually, they’re fish. Most eels do not even wield electricity; only a few species do.

Apart from their long, snake-like skinny appearance, they are quite shy and won’t probably attack unless threatened or disturbed. Eels are found in most places – from Asia to America – in both fresh and marine waters.

Furthermore, they are quite edible; some say it tastes sweet. Eels can grow from a few inches to up to 9ft and weigh accordingly. However, if you plan to eat eel, make sure it is well-cooked; else it can prove fatal after consumption.

Slender Salamander

Scientific Name – Batrachoseps
Diet – Carnivore
Type of Animal – Reptile

It is another animal with a snake-like appearance. Slender salamanders are small, lungless creatures; however, they have four toes on each of their feet. These animals are endemic to northern California and grow up to 5.5 inches in length.

As small as their appearance is, they prey on small insects such as small beetles, mites, crickets, and spiders. Their predatory habit is much like frogs.

Although they look too cute for their size, most of them release toxins over their skin which can be poisonous if ingested. However, due to various reasons, their population and habitat are on the decline.


slender body weasel standing on its back legs

Scientific Name – Mustela
Diet – Carnivore
Type of Animal – Mammal

Just like polecats and ferrets, weasels belong to the same family of mammals, commonly known as the genus Mustela. Their bodies are long and skinny, with four very short legs.

These carnivorous animals mostly reside in open fields, farmlands, and shallow woods, especially near a source of water.

Adults can grow up to 12 inches and can weigh around 350 grams. These mammals are active predators and are active mainly at night. Their opportunist mentality often forces people to treat them as pests.


Scientific Name – Belonidae
Diet – Omnivore
Type of Animal – Fish

Although the name suggests cuteness, their appearance may make you think otherwise. Needlefish or Belonidae, are marine creatures with long jaws and razor-sharp teeth. These fish are quite experts in making short jumps out of the water with a great speed of 37 mph.

You can find these thin creatures in the western Atlantic region, but sometimes they can be spotted in freshwaters, such as streams and creeks. They swim near the water’s surface to catch their prey, but sometimes they become food as they’re quite edible.

Their tiny and slender appearance makes them appear on this list of skinny animals.


brown chihuahua on a red sofa

Scientific Name – Canis Familiaris
Diet – Omnivore
Type of Animal – Mammal

The last members on our list of skinny animals are chihuahuas. This popular dog breed is a perfect example of animal adaptation to its environment. Being native to habitats with scarce food resources, these tiny dogs became very skinny in order to survive.

These dogs are known to have energetic and playful personalities. Besides, they are loving and intelligent creatures that are fairly easy to train. Pet chihuahuas have a rather long life span; an average of 15 to 20 years. Their number one favorite meal is meat of any kind.


With all the variety in habitat, behavior, and diet, all these animals share a common characteristic; their long, skinny bodies. Some skinny animals from the list above make good pets, while others are exclusive to wildlife and even legal in some areas.

Besides all that, all of them are nothing less than fascinating in their own right. Thank you for reading. Here’s a recommendation for a similar read: Animals With Red Eyes

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